The "Pochep Sadist" received an indulgence for fighting in the war with Ukraine and is now terrorizing locals, including the relatives of his victim. Another "hero of the Special Military Operation," pardoned by Putin, has returned to his hometown, to...
War correspondents and propagandists are now unanimously claiming that everything has stabilized in the Kursk region and that the expulsion of the enemy from the occupied territories will begin soon. They often say that the border near Tetkino is under...
On August 8, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, heroically declared that in two or three days there would be "good results" in the Kursk region. Federal media widely spread this statement by Kadyrov. Everyone who could quoted him. Five...
By his decision, Putin has completely devalued his own fake narrative about the evil NATO, which supposedly dreams of attacking Russia. The advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region is forcing the Russian Ministry of Defense to...